About Windsor Chairmakers

Meet the Windsor Chairmakers Team.

The Windsor Chairmakers Crew is made up of incredibly talented individuals, some veterans with prior experience, others that have been integral to Windsor Chairmakers for many years. Our doors are always open to new craftspeople, who come here with a desire to produce some of the finest handmade furniture available.

Mike & Jana Timchak, Owners

Windsor Chairmakers opened to the public in April 1988. Mike Timchak started as a chairmaker, helping to set up shop with Jim Brown, the company’s founder, who purchased the property Windsor Chairmakers sits on in 1987. Mike worked in all aspects of production, from chairs to tables, case pieces, and beds. He managed the shop for years, trained many crew members, and took over much of the furniture design. In 1992, Jana Salesman came to work at Windsor Chairmakers, hired as the furniture finisher. Jana and Mike got engaged not long after. In 2019, the two assumed Windsor Chairmakers’ ownership and made it their own. Jana’s art background and degrees in fine arts helped to establish the look of the showroom, both in her design abilities and in her artwork featured throughout. Mike continues to design new and custom pieces, train new crew members, and run the shop. Mike and Jana have two boys, Ethan and Wyatt, and they live in Lincolnville. 

David Wadstrup - Chair maker & finisher, started in 2022

Michael Swacha - Chair maker, started in 2022

Jimmy Iltis - Furniture maker, started in 1997

Steve Mckeen - Furniture maker, started in 2005

Ethan Klumpp - Furniture Maker, started in 2023

Hannah Itzler - Office Manager & Sales, started in 2023

Crockett Lalor - Furniture maker, started in 2018

Daniel Casburn. - Chair maker, started in 2020

Solo Spiegel - Chair maker & finisher, started in 2021

Julie Cook - Furniture finisher, started in 1994

Lincoln Clapp - Furniture maker, started in 1997

Gracie Klumpp - Finisher, started in 2023